There are many factors to consider when choosing a web host for your project. All these points matter whether it’s an e-commerce site or just an informational blog. Any website will be set up to fail if you choose a bad web host. Good web hosting is the foundation that will allow you to build a successful project. There is nothing more frustrating than server downtime or sluggish performance. So please consider these points carefully before selecting a web host.
A Must Have Feature Is Data Backups
The latest surge of cyber dangers, such as ransomware, isn’t just targeting financial websites. These online hackers have been targeting a growing number of general websites. Such actions frequently result in irreversible consequences, such as the deletion or corruption of the site’s database. In the same way, serious server or local hard drive failures are possible. As a result, it’s critical that you only work with a web hosting company that provides regular data backups.
Expert Support
How effective and quick is the company at responding to technical issues? Choose a host that provides live help to their customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition to email and help tickets, search for companies that provide chat support and social media visibility. Prioritize organizations that have an in-house customer service staff. In comparison to an outsourced customer support service, they have a deeper understanding of the company’s operations. You need to have the right expertise ready and waiting to help when the inevitable hoisting issue arises.

Server Reliability
Your site may be taken down due to faulty servers or unstable network connections. This not only prevents potential viewers and sales from visiting your e-commerce store, but it also results in bad ranks on search engines such as Google and Yahoo. Choosing a hosting business with a solid uptime record, preferably above 99.4 percent is therefore critical to the success of your website. Companies with an annual uptime score of less than 99 percent should be avoided. In addition to ensuring that your site and data are always available, you need also ensure that you have a reliable and secure hosting option. Bad uptime will also affect your site’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in a negative way.
Teaser Pricing
A web host’s goal is to get you on board with appealing pricing. During signup and even for your first payment, the web hosting business usually offers appealing hosting discounts. Renewal fees, on the other hand, are frequently more than triple. Is it possible to avoid them? Only if you plan to switch hosting service providers every two years to take advantage of discounted sign-up fees. Check the renewal prices for your desired plan to avoid a surprise bill at the conclusion of the discount term.
Your shared hosting package is unlikely to remain indefinitely, and your site may soon outgrow its shared hosting plan, necessitating the use of a VPS or dedicated hosting provider. When choosing a service, think about expenditures like upgrades and host changes.
Think About Your Hosting Parameters Ahead Of Time
Every hosting provider has a set of conditions of engagement that if not followed can result in additional fees, as well as the temporary or permanent suspension of your hosting service. Did you know, for example, that some hosting providers forbid the usage of excessive quantities of CPU resources? Take this into consideration if you have an active site. If you are starting a new site you should be fine with the initial allocation of server resources.
You could be charged extra or your site could be taken down forever without a refund if you do one of these things. Take your time to go over these terms, and only sign up for the service if you intend to follow them. Most importantly, avoid firms who do not have explicit terms of engagement and argue that account suspension and limiting choices are made at the company’s discretion.
Think About Expansion
Diversification comes with expansion. While you may begin with a single website and domain name, you will quickly learn that expanding your site requires several websites, domains, and subdomains. Therefore, before joining up with a certain service provider, take a look at their various packages and see if they allow many websites to be hosted on a single web hosting account.
Find out how much the unlimited website and subdomain packages cost and how it compares to the rest of the industry. In summary, choose a web host that offers several service options that allow you to add new domains and scale your business over time.
Ecommerce And Other Features
These days most competent web hosts will have options for your project if you want to sell online. With COVID19 e-commerce is increasing at lightspeed as brick and mortar retailers are seeing stagnation or even bankruptcy. If you have any questions ask your prospective web host before proceeding with them.
Previously, most people determined the correct hosting business based on the quantity of disk space and bandwidth is offered. The focus has moved from what is most important to what is most affordable. However, if you want to keep your site up and running for the foreseeable future, consider taking a more comprehensive approach to finding an appropriate web host provider by considering all of the elements that affect its ideal operation.
Also, if you link your email to your website’s domain name (ie.. vs. Gmail (ie… branded email or another service), you’ll get more feedback and possibly subscription conversions. In this scenario, seek a web hosting business that also offers email hosting for your website’s principal email address.
In Conclusion
You have to do your due diligence before selecting a web host. Your online project will depend on quality hosting. In order to get you off and running, we have done the research and recommend HostGator.
Lets start with the advanced web hosting features they offer:
- Full CGI Access
- Canned CGI Scripts
- Reseller & Sub Accounts
- Secure Shell (SSH) Access
- IPv6 Support
- Rails, Python, Perl Support
- Unlimited SFTP Users
- Unlimited MySQL Databases
- Subversion Repository (SVN)
- Server Side Includes (SSI)
- Support for PHP 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3
- HostGator Portal Control Panel
- Full Unix Shell
- Access to Raw Log Files
- Crontab Access
Please go here to sign up with HostGator.
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