Unless you have a substantial advertising budget, buying Facebook likes has significantly lost its value over the last six years. Facebook’s organic reach is practically nonexistent.
How to obtain genuine Facebook likes
Nevertheless, having a lot of page Likes still has some tangential value. At the very least, Likes provide social proof. People who are just learning about your brand will think you are popular if you have more likes. Additionally, you get a little greater organic reach if you have more followers.
Check out this strange hack I found if you run Facebook advertisements and are in charge of a business page on Facebook. It will let you invite actual users who have interacted with your content to like your page without spending any money. So far, I’m very pleased with the outcomes.
Getting likes on Facebook
The “Hidden” Facebook Invite Button Before I go any farther, let me be clear. I’m uncertain as to whether this Invite Button is a top-secret feature or whether Facebook is beta-testing it. Given that not all Facebook accounts seem to have access to it, you might or might not have it.
I won’t be talking about the invite feature that Facebook has offered us for years (“Invite friends to like this page”). You can only invite pals if you choose that option.
No, the secret Invite button I discovered is totally different. Beyond the individuals who have already liked your page, it allows you to reach a new and much larger audience.
Visit your Facebook Page or the Facebook app (but not the Facebook Pages Manager App, which doesn’t seem to have this capability) to see if your account has access to this Invite button.

Gain more likes using a secret Facebook invite button. The people that responded to your post should be clicked. Three different sorts of buttons are present:
I’ve never seen this new invite button before. When you click on this, you’ll ask the person who liked your article to Like your page.
These are the folks who have already “Liked” your page. These are the people to whom you have extended an invitation but who have not yet accepted it. The New Button’s drawbacks. You are only permitted to send a certain number of invitations every day. It appears to be between 500 and 1,000.
When you reach your limit, Facebook will notify you of it. Once a few days have passed, come back to see whether you may extend invitations to other viewers who responded to your posts.
Additionally, the Invite button appears to appear and disappear erratically. Strangely, it doesn’t show up every time. It does and doesn’t in other situations.
The End result?
In general, I’ve been observing an acceptance rate of 15% to 20%. That is outrageously high.
However, it makes logic. By getting their likes on your updates, you’re aiming for those who have already shown an interest in your page. I use remarketing to ensure that Facebook users who are not connected to me will see my ads.
Using this Invite button, I’ve added approximately 1,000 admirers over the last few weeks. No, it’s not spam! You’re naturally incorporating them.
The fact that thank you notes have even been issued is quite humorous. They are grateful that I urged them to see my page.
A thumbs up!
I genuinely enjoy the conversion rate—1 in 5 of the invitees who engage actually like my page. The pricing is also unbeatable.
You can’t predict with certainty who will like your page when you execute a paid Like campaign. It can just be a random person who has no interest in your goods or services. Absolutely useless.
With this invite button, though, you can tell when someone has interacted with your material, increasing the likelihood that they will Like it. Hopefully, you can continue to sway them in your favor and convert them from fans to paying customers.
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